Dementia Action Week: People urge to spot the signs as diagnosis rates face sustained fall

Andrew Brown
4 Min Read
Lord Street in Southport. Photo by Andrew Brown Media

People are being urged to recognise the symptoms of dementia as diagnosis rates face a sustained fall for the first time ever. 

Organisations including Sefton Council and Sefton CVS have come together as part of Dementia Friendly Sefton to call on the community to get a diagnosis this Dementia Action Week, which runs from the 16th-22nd May.

The aim of the week is to raise awareness and encourage action around those living with dementia and those people who care for them.

This Dementia Action Week, there is a push to encourage those who might be living with, or close to someone who might be living with, with undiagnosed dementia to:

  • Be able to understand and recognise potential dementia symptoms
  • Contact the Alzheimer’s Society for guidance and support
  • Feel empowered to take the next step
  • Improve the diagnosis process for both them and healthcare professionals. 

With a sustained drop in dementia diagnosis rates for the first time ever, research was conducted to understand the key barriers and benefits to getting a diagnosis.

As well as the misconception around memory loss just being part of getting old, research found being in denial, and referral times to specialists, are big barriers for those experiencing symptoms to seek a diagnosis.

 Cllr Paul Cummins, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Chair of Dementia Friendly Sefton said:

“I am so proud to celebrate Dementia Action Week and I take this opportunity to thank the huge number of organisations from across Sefton that help create a place where people with dementia are understood, respected and supported.

“A diagnosis can be incredibly meaningful to someone with undiagnosed dementia, it can be a gateway to support, guidance and self understanding. It is daunting but it is the first step to dealing with the condition. I urge everyone in Sefton to consider themselves and their family members this Dementia Action Week.”

 Justine Shenton, Deputy Programme Manager, Living Well Sefton said:

“It is important to raise awareness this Dementia Action Week of the condition and how to recognise signs and symptoms that go beyond what we all consider symptoms of ‘old age.’

“Being diagnosed with dementia can be daunting but with the right care and support, that fear can be allayed. In Sefton, there is some amazing support out there and I’m proud to be a part of Dementia Friendly, making our community a better place for people living with dementia and in doing so, enable them to live the lives they choose to live.”

Dementia Friendly Sefton are a group of organisations and individuals who are determined to maintain and improve Sefton’s ‘Dementia Friendly’ status.

In October 2019, thanks to the work of Sefton’s Dementia Action Alliance (DAA), the borough was officially recognised by The Alzheimer’s Society as ‘working towards becoming dementia friendly’. This status means that Sefton is a place where people with dementia are understood, respected and supported.

 For more information, visit the Alzheimer’s Society website

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