Mike Prendergast, Dukes Ward Councillor and Conservative Group Leader on Sefton Council, has been appointed as the Parliamentary Spokesperson for Southport Conservatives to champion local residents and take the fight to Labour in Southport.

Mike Prendergast, first elected as councillor in 2021 and re-elected in 2024, was unanimously selected at a meeting of Southport Conservative Association on 19th September. 

Mike said, “Southport is my home, I’ve lived here for 25 years, it’s where I got married, where I’m bringing up my 2 children and it means a great deal to me. Southport is a wonderful place to live with great people, a rich history and huge potential for the future.

I want to express my thanks and gratitude to our town’s previous MP, Damien Moore who served as our MP for 7 years delivering £38.5 million of Town Deal funding, helping thousands of constituents with all manner of issues and advocating on behalf of Southport in Westminster. I wish him the best of luck in all his future endeavours.

We now have, for the first time, a Labour MP in Southport. Along with a Labour government and Labour run councils, the Southport constituency now faces a triple threat from Labour. We’ve already seen with the removal of the Winter Fuel Allowance from over 20,000 pensioners in Southport the cost of Labour in Southport, with the very real prospect that things could get worse.

In the Northern Parishes, threats to our green belt from Labour could see huge swathes of some of the North West’s best farmland carpeted in concrete with huge developments a possibility, which will exacerbate existing transport problems and potentially cause flooding issues.

I will be working hard to stand up for our local residents, businesses and farmers against a Labour Party that clearly does not care for or understand Southport. Only the Conservatives can be trusted with Southport’s future.”

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: [email protected]

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