By Andrew Brown Stand Up For Southport

Today’s football match between Southport FC and FC United of Manchester saw £5,000 raised in honour of the victims of the Hart Street tragedy in Southport. 

Before the match, Southport FC players paid a special visit to the Hart Street area, to pay their respects to the three young girls who were killed and all those who were injured. 

The club had cancelled their planned pre-season friendly against Morecambe on Tuesday night following the attack. 

But club officials decided to go ahead today, with supporters observing a minute’s silence. 

The club was also keen to raise funds for Alder Hey Children’s Charity. 

To do this, the regular matchday 50/50 raffle operated slightly differently, with every penny raised from every raffle ticket purchased acting as a donation to Alder Hey rather than a raffle entry. 

Majority shareholders Big Help Group offered to match every penny raised, to ensure maximum support is provided to continue Alder Hey’s life-saving work. 

A Southport FC spokesperson said: “Once again, a massive thank you to everyone who came out to support today.

“£2494 was raised from the 50/50 draw, with the Big Help Group matching it and it then being rounded up to £5000, all going to Alder Hey. 

“Today wasn’t about the football, but was about bringing the community together, as one, paying respects to Bebe, Elsie and Alice, their friends, family and loved ones, as well as those who have been impacted by the tragic events this week.

“You can still donate to Alder Hey here”

Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: [email protected]

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