Jail and Bail for Queenscourt Hospice. Photo by Dave Brown Photography for Stand Up For Southport

By Andrew Brown, Stand Up For Southport and Liz Hartley, Queenscourt Hospice

Do you know someone who deserves locking up – and all for a great cause?

The first ever Jail and Bail event in Southport was a huge success last year, with 12 community-minded ‘inmates’ agreeing to be ‘jailed’ as they raised over £26,000 for Queenscourt Hospice.

Our ‘dirty dozen’ included business owners, headteachers, nurses, restaurateurs, Queenscourt colleagues, and a popular local DJ: Adrian Antell; Vici Bradshaw; Daniel Doherty; Helen Hurst; Debbie Lawson; David Lloyd; Andrew Robertson; Rob Smallman; Kate Sutcliffe;

Chetan and Prabtosh Thekkar; Baz Todd; and Chris Upton MBE.

They ‘stood trial’ in the former Southport Magistrates Court (now Access Point) before local police officers ‘locked them up’ in the custody suite at Southport Police Station next door.

Jail and Bail for Queenscourt Hospice. On Silcock’s Carousel.
Photo by Dave Brown Photography for Stand Up For Southport

They then completed a number of challenges at venues around Southport.

Event organisers Queenscourt Hospice and Stand Up For Southport are now appealing for 12 new ‘jailbirds’ to take part in the 2024 Jail and Bail event, which will take place between 10am and 3pm on Friday, 7th June.

Queenscourt Hospice Fundraising Manager Liz Hartley said:

“If our new jailbirds are found guilty of their ‘wicked and entirely fictional crimes’ – which they inevitably will! – they will be taken into custody, photographed and banished to the cells.

“They will only be released if they can raise bail of £999 from their connections, including friends, family and colleagues.

Jail and Bail for Queenscourt Hospice. Baz Todd, Adrian Antell and Debbie Lawson-Pierce.
Photo by Dave Brown Photography for Stand Up For Southport

“Jail and Bail was a really fun event to take part in last year,

and we would love to see people from across Formby, Southport or West Lancashire to come and join us this year. So if you’d like to lock up your boss get in touch to nominate them for this fully immersive experience”

Jail and Bail for Queenscourt Hospice. Daniel Doherty and David Lloyd outside Southport Police Station.
Photo by Dave Brown Photography for Stand Up For Southport

Stand up For Southport Director Andrew Brown said:

“We were blown away by the success of last year’s Jail and Bail fundraiser!

“We would like to thank our 12 ‘inmates’ who were amazing on the day.

“Lots of local businesses also teamed up with us to ensure it went so well.

Jail and Bail for Queenscourt Hospice. Inmates outside The Cheshire Lines Inn.
Photo by Dave Brown Photography for Stand Up For Southport

“This is such a fun way to raise funds for a local charity which does a vital job in supporting so many patients and their loved ones across our area.

“Please get in touch with us if you’d like to hear any more details about Jail and Bail.” 


  • For more details or to register your interest please email Queenscourt Hospice Liz Hartley, Fundraising Manager at: [email protected] or email: Stand Up For Southport owner Andrew Brown at: [email protected]



Do you have a story for Stand Up For Southport? Do you need advertising, PR or media support? Please message Andrew Brown via Facebook here or email me at: [email protected] 

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